Terms and Conditions

Welcome to My Miracle Care!

This document explains the rules and regulations governing the use of  My Miracle Care‘ Web site.

By using this Website, we believe that you fully agree to these terms and conditions. Please discontinue or quit the use of this website if you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions outlined herein.

We will use the following expressions all through the Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and all other Agreements: You, the person using this website (hereafter referred to as ‘Client,’ ‘You’ and ‘Your’).  Our Company (hereafter referred to as ‘The Company,’ ‘Ourselves,’ ‘we,’ ‘Our’ and ‘Us.’ both the Client and ourselves, or either of the two (hereafter referred to as ‘Party,’ ‘Parties,’ or ‘Us’). All terms pertaining to the offer, receipt, and transactions required to facilitate the rendition of our services to the client in an adequate way, either through fixed-term formal meetings, or otherwise; with the paramount intention of meeting the Client’s demands as it pertains to making available any of the Company’s listed products and/or services, according to and subject to the ruling laws of the United States. Any use the terms aforementioned or other expressions in the singular, plural, or any other form is deemed interchangeable and hence may be used to refer to the same terms.


We use cookies on our website hence you agree to the use of the same by using our website, according to our Privacy Policy.

In recent times, most interactive sites use cookies for the purpose of acquiring unique user information for each visit to the site. We also use them in some sections of our site to ease some functionality and enhance the user experience for people visiting the site. Some promotion partners and other parties featured on our site may also use cookies.


Except otherwise stated, all intellectual property rights for every content on the site are the exclusive property of our company and its licensors. Hence such rights are fully reserved. The user is allowed to read and/or print pages from https://mymiraclecare.com only for personal use and subject to the limitations stated in these terms and conditions.

You are not allowed to:

  • Republish content from our website.
  • Commercialize, lease, or sublicense content from our website.
  • Replicate, copy or broadcast information taken from our website.
  • Rebroadcast material from our site (except such material is specified by us for such purposes).

User Comments

  1. This Agreement shall take effect on this stated date.
  2. Certain sections of this website allow users to share and discuss views, knowledge, data, and content (referred to as ‘Comments’) in some parts of the site. We do not filter, publish, modify or vet your comments before they are posted on the website hence such comments cannot be regarded as an expression of our opinion as a company, or that of our partners or affiliates. Comments are only an express opinion of the user who posted such comments. As far as the appropriate laws allow, we will not take responsibility or be held liable for any losses, damages or bills incurred by any user arising from the use of or dependence on and/or posting of and/or viewing of the comments on such section of this website.
  3. We reserve the exclusive right to check all comments and delete any comment(s) which we find, by our judgment, unacceptable, rude or even a violation of these Terms and Conditions.
  4. You authorize and represent that:
  • You have all rights to post comments on our website and are legally permitted to do so;
  • The comments do not violate any intellectual property right, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, franchise or patent, or other individual rights of our third parties;
  • The comments are not insulting, derogatory, slanderous, rude or otherwise illegal content or information that violates any Privacy Policy.
  • The comments will not be used to demand or advertise a business or represent any commercial proceedings or illegal action.
  • You hereby accord us a non-exclusive royalty-free right to utilize, republish, modify and even allow others to do the same with any and every of your comments in any method, presentation or media.

Content Liability

Our company shall not be held responsible or liable for any content displayed on your Web site. You agree to indemnify and protect us from all claims resulting from or pertaining to your Website. There shall be no links on any part of your Web site or to content or materials that may be regarded as derogatory, slanderous, indecent or illegal, or which violates, defines or supports the violation or defying of any third party rights.

Reserved Rights

We reserve that we can ask you to delete all links or any specific link connected to our Web site, at any time and sequel to our judgment. You consent to comply immediately with such a request. We also reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions and its corresponding policy whenever we deem fit. By remaining linked to our Web site, you consent to obey and comply with these corresponding terms and conditions.

Removal of links from our website

If you come across a link on our Web site or any of our featured sites questionable in whatever way, please report such to us. We will review requests to delete links, but we are not bound to do so or honor such requests.

While we try to ascertain the accuracy of all content on this website, we cannot guarantee its totality or accuracy; nor do we pledge to make sure that the website remains accessible or that all contents on the website are not obsolete.


As far as the appropriate laws allow, we exempt all representations, terms, and warranties pertaining to our website and the use of same (including but not limited to, any warranties legally inferred having to do with acceptance quality, suitability for use and/or the use of required skill and caution). No part of this disclaimer will:

  1. Restrict or exempt our or your liability for death or personal injury arising from neglect;
  2. Restrict or exempt our or your liability for scandalous misrepresentation;
  3. Restrict any of our or your liabilities permitted under applicable law; or
  4. Exempt any of our or your liabilities in any manner that opposes relevant regulations and laws.

The restrictions and exemptions of liability outlined in this Section and other parts of this disclaimer:

  • Are guided by the preceding paragraph; and
  • Covers all liabilities pertaining to the disclaimer connected to the main subject of this disclaimer, including liabilities resulting from contract agreements, in tort (including neglect) and for violation of statutory duty.

For as much as the website and the materials and services therein are offered at no cost, we will not be responsible for any loss or injury of any kind.